Girl behind the blog

Hi there! 

As my unintentionally pretentious blog name suggests: my name is Holly. I chose The Chronicles of Holly to be my blog title because I wanted this blog to be like an online diary and a place where I could come and post whatever I like. I find blogging therapeutic and let’s face it, it was an excellent way to procrastinate in university. 

Thank-you for stumbling across my blog, and even stumbling into my
About Me section.  I am a 23 year old girl from Australia who lives near the beach, so most weekends you will find me traipsing over sand dunes chasing my dog Harvey. I’d like to pretend that my life consists of red wine and sunsets, however blogger honesty compels me to admit I am slightly *cough* obsessed with make-up, I get paranoid if my winged eyeliner isn’t even, and I always worry “do my legs look okay in this dress?”.

I also love to read – my favourite books are The Diary of Anne Frank and The Book Thief.  Plus Harry Potter never goes astray. Music makes me the happiest and I am a huge fan of going to gigs whether it be a big concert or a local band. I enjoy making copious amounts of Spotify playlists to suit every mood too. I've now graduated a bachelor of nursing science and am in my first year of being an operating theatre nurse. 

Happy reading….

Much love
Holly x
