Chatty Saturday (Hint - I'm getting a puppy!)


In a very lazy mood for someone who has to leave in an hour to go to a birthday dinner. Haven’t started on my make-up, shaved my legs or decided what I’m going to wear. Instead I’m just sitting in my pyjamas online shopping. I don’t know why I do this to myself. I always leave myself barely any time to get ready which results in full panic mode because my cat flicks aren’t matching up and I don’t know what to wear despite having to have left 10 minutes earlier. Yet here I am writing a blog post which will most likely result in me going into panic mode very soon. C’est la vie.

April has been pretty good to me so far. I had a week off uni this week and it was filled with lots of catch ups with friends, exercise (which is a rarity these days, oops), and netflix marathons. I’ve started watching one upon a time and I’m still trying to figure out whether I like it or not. I think it gets better, apparently?? In other great news - i'm getting a puppy!! After many months of nagging (or 'easing along' as I like to call it)  my dreams have come true and we're getting one! The last couple of months i've become super clucky with dogs and I approach everyone I see, well not all. We're getting a Cavoodle, yes the dog that was on my wishlist..woo! We have all agreed on the name Harvey. We get him in about a month so i'm counting down the days until then. He's such a little cutie isn't he!

The only negative of this month was going to a Sticky Fingers concert. Was looking forward to it for ages but because i'm so small (5'3) I kept getting shoved so brutally that I had to give up the amazing spot I secured to head to the back for some space. It was made worse that everyone smelt like cigarettes and was sweaty, ew. The only positive was the support band Boo Seeka who I hadn’t heard of before, but they were great! Go check em out.

Anway I am off to get ready because i'm really pushing it for time now! Just thought i'd also mention that I ordered Benefits "roller lash" today and am so excited to give it a try as the beauty world is blowing up with how amazing it is. Fingers crossed it lives up to the hype. My lashes suck - they're just so damn straight and suck at holding a curl. I hope Roller Lash will become my holy grail. A review shall come!

Hope everyone has had a great week. :)

Holly x

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  1. Still not tried the roller lash... I know I need to!
    Aleeha xXx

  2. How exciting, I love Cavoodles! Bet you can't wait :D

    Rebecca Coco

  3. so great! lovely blog! <3
    Follow each other?

  4. ohhhh he's just so cute. i can believe you are beyond excited for him to come**

    xx from Italy
    Cate ღ kate/idoscope | youtube

  5. Aww that's so exciting! I remember when my dog was a puppy, she was the most adorable little fluffball :) And Roller Lash is really amazing - at least it works for me!

  6. The dog is so adorable!

