How To Make Your House Smell Like Christmas
What a hoot potpourri is. Never thought i'd say that in my life, ever. Last night I hosted a Christmas dinner party at my house (how grown up I must sound!) and I thought it would be a nice touch to make the house smell like Christmas. Unfortunately, time got the better of me and I completely forgot to do this. But the day prior I had tested it out in anticipation for the dinner and it turned out a-w-e-s-o-m-e. Leading up to Christmas this is the best thing to quickly whip up to get you in that festive mood.
- 1 Orange cut up into squares
- A handful of cranberries (if you can get the legit ones GO FOR IT but I don't think we have those in I settled for the dried ones which still worked a treat)
- 3 Cinnamon sticks
- 2 tsp of Cloves
- 2 tsp of Nutmeg
- In a saucepan with boiling water add the orange, cranberries, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.
- Keep on a low heat and wait for your house to smell like christmas
So super easy which is why I thought i'd add it to ye ole blog so other people may feel inspired and make it themselves.
Holly xx