Life Update: Almost A Registered Nurse


A life update is definitely in order seeing as I am now practically a registered nurse!! So as some of you may know the last two months I have been on my final internship, which is where I "work" (I don't get paid *sob*) a 40 hour week as apart of my nursing degree. Well on Friday I officially finished! 

The first month of my internship I was in the operating theatre which I LOVED. Being in the OR is so damn cool. I got to see babies born, cancer taken out, bones repaired..and it was just so fascinating and awesome at the same time. I definitely found the area I want to work in. The second month I was in a rehabilitation ward which was..okay. I learnt many valuable skills but I just missed being in the operating theatre where I would go to work excited each day. 

My student nurse days are over though! It's exciting yet daunting because now I have to apply for jobs, go to interviews, and await to see if I get a graduate position. I really hope I get a job where I live as it's so pretty here (as evident in the photo's above). To celebrate my family took me to the beach where we had a picnic and popped champagne. 

I don't know what's to come in the next few months. There is so much uncertainty of where i'll get a job and if i'll even get a job. So thankful I have my blog as a constant. Even though I've been going places, working ridiculous hours blog is one of my constants. Very thankful for anyone who even reads this! So so thankful. It is such a nice feeling connecting with other people who have the same interests. It is still very much a hobby of mine and I don't see myself finishing it up anytime soon. So thank-you, all you lovely people <3

Hope you have had a great September, it's less than three months until Christmas now! Woohoo!

Holly x
p.s the dress is from Topshop if anyone is wondering!

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  1. Congrats!! I'm sure you'll find a job :)

    Renee | Life After Lux

  2. The post is so amazing! I love it:)

  3. Oh wow, congratulations! I actually want to do something medical in the future, not sure yet though! Good luck on finding a job, keep us updated!
    Aleeha xXx

  4. Congrats :) Good job on getting this far! I'm glad you've found something you enjoy xx

