My Blogs 3rd Birthday: Highlights & The Future


♫ Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to thechroniclesofholly...happy birthday to me! ♫

Okay now we have that uber silly and cringe song away I want to celebrate the fact that i've stuck to blogging for 3 years! It has gone by so quick, i'm amazed. It's so fun going back to old posts seeing the products I used to write about and the life updates I did. It feels really cool knowing i've had this blog to document a lot of the big milestones in my life - traveling, university, finishing placement, getting my dog Harvey, graduating, getting my first job etc. Shout out to my ride of dies who have been here reading since the start (you know who you are!) and also to the new readers who have joined in. It's been so fun interacting with all of you, it means a lot.

The highlights...

  • Getting to have a creative outlet which is all my own! It's so cool having my own website where i'm the designer, creator, writer, and editor. 
  • Getting better with my photography skills - I used to be pretty terrible but these days i'm actually getting a lot of shots I like. I even bought my Canon G7X camera which is my best friend.
  • Interacting with other bloggers - there are so many lovely people I have met along the way, all from different countries. It's awesome coming together with people who share common interests. 
  • Getting better at makeup! Having my own blog which features A LOT of beauty products has meants my makeup skillz have leveled up. Still not amazing, but a whole lot better than I was.
  • Blogger events - i've actually only been to two but the last one was amazing. It was great fun and I got to make quite a few blogger friends :')
My three most read posts...

They would have to be my travel ones. They're the ones I go back to because I love re-reading my experiences when I visited certain places. 

I'm not going to be stopping blogging anytime soon. I still absolutely adore it and I love how I have a place to come to where I can write about things I like, meet other like-minded people through blogging, and get creative. :) 

Honestly can't thank all you lovely people enough for reading my blog. It means the world! 

Holly xx

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  1. Oh wow that's quite an achievement! Happy blogiversary

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  2. Happy 3rd blogiversary Holly! I'm coming up to my blog's 2nd birthday next month, which is kinda exciting because coming into this I had no idea how long I'd last. Although I haven't been with you since the beginning, your blog is definitely one of my favourite discoveries of 2017. :o)

    Shell // The Novice Life

  3. I totally agree, my photography has improved so much since I started blogging!
    Aleeha xXx

