LIFE UPDATE: Going M.I.A, Doing Makeup, and Christmas


Helloooo my friends!

I'll come right out and say it: I have sucked at blogging in December. I mean, on the bright-side..hopefully due to bloggers ramping up their content during December (blogmas) hopefully my absence went unnoticed? In fact, i'm sure no one actually noticed at all so I think i'm off the hook.

The last few weeks have been crazy busy. This month I put all my energy into my job and tried to devote a lot of time to going the extra mile. I'm first year out of university and this year was lucky enough to score a grad position as an operating theatre nurse. It's been challenging in many ways but I feel like I have learnt so much. Basically it's been awesome! So that's why this last month I have quite M.I.A.

Last weekend I volunteered for my churches Christmas Production to do makeup on the singers. I was quite nervous at first..suuure I absolutely love makeup and applying it on myself - but could I actually do a good job on other people? It was quite funny because anytime I would do someones makeup i'd quickly do the disclaimer saying I wasn't a makeup artist (to prepare them it may not be a 10/10 job). Well I ended up getting a lot of great feedback! So many people said I did an awesome job, some were even surprised that I wasn't a makeup artist. I feel like all of my years being a loser staying up until 2am watching YouTube makeup tutorials have paid off haha. Due to getting such nice feedback and really enjoying doing makeup on people I have decided I would like to find a makeup course. Perhaps it could be something I do on the side? Operating theatre nurse by day, makeup artist by night. Who knows! I'm excited at this possibility though.

And lastly - CHRISTMAS IS SO SOON. I AM SO EXCITED. Due to working lots I feel like I haven't been able to get into the full festive mood but last night I had my two best mates over and we gave presents to each other, made mulled wine, and played a drinking game to Home Alone. It was so fun.

I have WELL AND TRULY RAMBLED. I'll stop now.

Just thought i'd do a random life update just because. In the few days leading up to Christmas i'll put a few more christmassy posts up :)

Hope you have had a great December!
Holly x

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