I Moved To The UK (Finally!)


Ever since I started this blog I have rambled on and on about wanting to move to the UK. Gosh that was back in like, end of 2014? Time flies.

I had just started university though so realistically it would have to be when I finished. Then when I finished at the end of 2016 realised I couldn't just move over easy and that I would need some experience and to apply to the UK's nursing body to be able to actually work over here. So a few years later working away, saving, and I AM FINALLY HERE.

This has felt like a long time coming.

And so far it is everything I have wanted it to be and more.

I now have been here for just over 5 months and settled into Manchester for 4 months. I thought I would get these intense waves of missing my beautiful home in Australia where I lived by the beach..but I haven't. I have just been so thrilled about being in a new place experiencing new things that I haven't moped about days on end missing home. Of course I miss my family, friends, and dog massively but at the end of the day the world goes around and I know they will always be there for me to come back to when I need. For now I just want to enjoy this chapter.


Holly x

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  1. Congratulations on your move to the UK! I remember reading your blog a few years back so it's spectacular news:)

